Cooking Class 05 June 2024

Christophe is an experienced chef from France.
He is also a cookery teacher in Perth. He is offering two delicious dishes that will put your taste buds to the test.

Classic Vol-au-vent: small pastry cases loaded with a variety of savoury fillings – ham, chicken and mushroom being among the most common. The vol-au-vent originated in France around the start of the 19th century as a larger, pie-like affair; the bite-size cocktail party version is more properly known as a "bouchée à la reine"

Goujonnettes de poisson sauce tartare: Fish fillet cut into sticks approximately ten centimeters by three and with a side of Tartar sauce. La sauce tartare is a condiment made of mayonnaise, chopped pickles and relish, caper, and herbs such as tarragon and dill. Tartar sauce can also be enhanced with other herbs, lemon juice, and olives.

Put your apron on and join Chef Christophe to cook with a French touch and sample these two traditional French dishes.

The best part? You get to eat everything you cook!

When: 5th June, 10am-12noon

Where: at Alliance Francaise de Perth

Cost: $70 AF members - $80 non-members

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